[tab title=”What It Is”]
No time to go to the gym?  Many of us can’t seem to find the time to make it to the gym on a regular basis.  Others of us are not confortable with the gym environment, and some of us may be on a tight budget.   Don’t let these obstacles stop you from getting in great shape.  Get in a great workout, get awesome results.  No equipment necessary!  All you need is your body weight.

Who’s ready to join me in and get in great shape over the next 6 weeks with my 6 week total body workout.  Get in a great workout in the comfort of your own home,  No equipment required, No gym membership necessary!  Use my 6 week guide as your step by step process to getting in better shape. losing weight, and inches. Leave the excuses behind and start getting the results you desire with my help starting today, and pick your price $0.00 – $20.00!

That’s Right, Pick Your Price!:


[tab title=”Schedule”]
This is a 4 day a week resistance training plan with 1 day of cardiovascular training, each workout will last 15-30 minutes.  Training days will vary depending on your hectic schedule.  However I suggest that your training take place on Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat.  I know it may seem like a lot but remember the workouts only last 30 minutes or less.  Each workout will be done in a circuit fashion and involve some intervals, the goal of each workouts is to burn as many calories as we can in 30 minutes and create a metabolic disturbance that will have you burning calories long after your workout is accomplished.

[tab title=”Equipment”]

Take a good look in the mirror, and you’ll be staring at it!  Your body weight is all we need. Now lets do this. :-)
