Listen, if you want to reap the benefits of a 15-30 minute long workout out, you have to be prepared to go all out for that short period of time.  So, what does that mean?  First prepare yourself mentally to push yourself to the limit, second be certain to drink plenty of water, third get in a quick warm-up prior to going all out.  Sound Simple right?  We’ve all seen the pictures on the internet of a marathon runners body, next to a fitness models body posing the question which body do you want?  I personally would like to look like the fitness model, if that’s your desire why are you still just going to the gym and hoping on a piece of cardio equipment, and not lifting any weights?  If you want to build lean muscle mass and have a great figure, you have to lift weight!

Here is a sample warm-up and 15 minute workout.

1) Jumping Jacks 30 seconds

2) Lunges 30 seconds

3)  Side to Side Steps 30 seconds

15 Minute Full Body Workout

Circuit #1

Push-ups 10-15 reps x 4

Plank Punches 10-15 reps x 4

Lunges 10-20 reps x 4

Circuit #2

Dumbbell Squat Press 10-15 reps x 4

Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls 10-15 resp x 4

Bent Over Dumbbel Rows 10-15 reps x 4

Finish With 2 Sets of 35-50 Bicycle Crunches

This is a multi-set circuit workout where you will move from one exercise to the next with in the circuit with minimal to no rest between exercises until you finish one full round then rest for 15-30 seconds and repeat for the circuit for the set amount of rounds.  Remember this is only a 15 minute workout so push yourself as hard as possible, you will burn a lot of calories in 15 minutes and build lean muscle mass that will help you burn extra calories all day.  It may only be a 15 minute workout but when you weight train you can continue to burn calories for upwards of 36 hours post exercise this is know as EPOC Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (informally called afterburn).

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