Lose That Last 10 Pounds

Are you leaving out one of the main cornerstones for optimal health and fitness?

Often, when we put together a fitness plan, we leave out part of the equation. Some people will only do weight training, others just aerobics, and some only diet.

But for optimal health and wellness, you need to be well rounded in all three areas. If you are doing a good job at combining all three and still are not getting the results you want, I may have the key to help you lose those extra pounds.

The missing ingredient that I see most with clients struggling to lose those stubborn extra pounds is inconsistency in their eating patterns. I ask them, “Do you know how many calories are you consuming a day?” The answers almost always is no, but I am eating healthy!

Most of us are fooled into thinking that in order to lose weight, we should eat as little as possible or starve ourselves. This is simply not true.

Here is the problem with not eating enough calories.: Your body thinks you are starving, and, as a result, your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. When you do eat, the food is stored as fat.

Want to lose fat? Pay attention to how many calories you are consuming, and burning on a daily basis.  Eat a high protein diet, and cut out unnecessary sugars. Try eating smaller meals throughout the day and adding two healthy snacks between meals, this forces your body to burn calories all day long, the results are amazing.

When you begin to eat in a “grazing” fashion, your body will respond by dropping unwanted pounds.

Still, there is always resistance from clients when I tell them they need to eat more frequently. Here are some of the excuses I get.

1. “I don’t have the time.”

Now you and I both know that, no matter how stressful or demanding your job is, you can still find five minutes every few hours for a snack. The issue here is not that you don’t have the time — it is that you just aren’t making it.

2. “I tried it and it didn’t work.”

I simply don’t believe it. There is no way that you really tried it and it didn’t work. Try it again with my foolproof plan (below).

3. “I forget to eat.”

The key here is to be as organized as possible. Think ahead and pack small meals so that they are ready to go. With a little effort, you will be eating every few hours like clockwork.

The foolproof plan

  • Eat small, nutritious meals every three hours throughout the day. Eat your first within 30 minutes of waking.
  • Make sure that each meal contains quality protein, complex carbohydrates, monounsaturated fats and fiber.
  • Remember that your goal is to eat more often, not more calories each day.
  • Keep a food log. Write down what you eat when you eat it, and take time to review your progress.
  • What should you eat? Whole grains, fresh fruits, lean protein and veggies. I encourage you to use this powerful weight-loss strategy in your quest for a fit and healthful lifestyle. You won’t be disappointed.

You can lose those last 10 pounds and keep them off!  Stay consistent and positive :-).  Remember to bunch up more good eating days then bad ones.  Consistency over time will deliver lasting results.  Don’t beat yourself up when you make a poor nutritional choice, it’s not the one bad meal or the one cookie that are the problem it’s consuming to many calories and not exercising enough over time that add pounds to our bodies.   You can do this, if you need assistance don’t hesitate to ask. Post a comment or send me a message andy@fitproworkouts.com

Download my 12 week A-Z Guide to Healthy Eating to get started

A to Z Healthy Eating Guide

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